


❤ 南屏济公慈训

祈求上苍让众生皆平安 一贯真理广为传宣
这不是梦相信愿力能实现 就在这你我都有愿
因为善良让你我结好缘 菩提觉路欢乐田园
没有成见开心的一同修办 咱今发愿代天化宣
我相信天开科选如今我乘愿 来到人世间救众出苦渊
不管是哪一天慈悲的善念 都服膺拳拳最真的展现
我相信正确理念定可以改变 命运自己转加福加寿添
学圣佛的经典改自己的缺点 定然能够如仙佛圣愿
 I do believe
赤子面容同日月年复年 立己立人白阳戏演
抛开名利如清风缱绻 无有欺骗无有怨言

走入人间和众生肩并肩 Enter the world, stand shoulder to shoulder
世界靠我去改变 The world depends on me to alter
神采飞扬不吝啬露出笑脸 With cheerful smile and great generosity
让道气自然的展现 Let Dao spirit appear naturally
心胸宽大眼光能看得远 Distant vision does a broad mind provide
昂首阔步努力向前 Persist in making forward stride
没有抱怨及时的行功了愿 Without complaint, fulfill our vows—do not wait
感恩有此大好因缘 Be thankful for karma this great
我相信善良本面我相信上天 In everyone's good nature, In God I believe
我相信人我之间没界线 That nothing divides us, I do believe
用慈悲的心田用热忱的奉献 With a heart full of zeal, devotion and mercy
来创造清静美好的理园 Build an ideal world of tranquility
我相信本能无限我相信上天 In boundless inner power, In God I believe
我相信仙佛时时在身边 That Buddhas are at my side, I believe
有了正确理念既欢喜又甘愿 Having correct ideals, with willingness and joy
每个人都成圣成贤 One becomes noble and saintly
