主讲者: 伍静妙               




Index                   目 录

CHAPTER 1               Why are they congratulating me on receiving the Tao?

第一章                        为什么他们恭喜我求得天道?

CHAPTER 2               What is the Tao?

第二章                        什么是道?

CHAPTER 3               What are the Three Treasures?                       

第三章                        何谓三宝?

CHAPTER 4               Why do the Introducer and the Sponsor take an oath at the altar?   

第四章                        为什么引保要立愿?

CHAPTER 5               Why I should take an oath before receiving the Tao?

第五章                                    为什么要立求道愿?

CHAPTER 6               How to save human beings?  

第六章                                    如何求渡众生?


CHAPTER 1    Why are they congratulating me on receiving the Tao?

            Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to you for this is your mot auspicious day. Today you have received the Tao which is the ultimate aim of existence. All of the Buddhas and Saints attained the Tao in the past and, by transcending the limitations of birth and death, have become immortal. That which you have received today is the same Tao.           


            Formerly, one who intended to receive the Tao had to abandon worldly possessions and enjoyments. If he was a king he had to abandon his kingdom. If he was a high official he had to resign his high position, leave his family and go to the remote mountains to seek a master who would transmit the Tao to him. After much suffering he would gradually perfect his conduct, purify his mind and heart and perform many good deeds. For his sincerity, God would send Buddha to transmit the Tao to him. Under such conditions a person able to succeed was hard to find! During that period the Tao was secretly transmitted from one Patriarch to another. 


第一章: 为什么他们恭喜我求得天道?






            Today we need not go to the remote mountains in order to cultivate ourselves. We may find the means to do so in our own environment. Therefore we must take full advantage of our fortunate circumstances because we are in close proximity to the Tao. Why is the Tao so accessible to us at this time? It is because mankind is facing great calamities which signal the destruction of the human race.


            What is the cause of these calamities? In this modern age most people blindly worship technical science and neglect spiritual harmony. They believe that the power of mankind can surpass nature and that science is almighty and can solve all human problems. It would seem as though “conscience” or “soul” are only religious terms and have no real existence. Most people do not recognize their true selves which are indestructible and immortal. Actually, the true self is the master of the mortal body. Today most people have lost their consciences, harming others in order to benefit themselves. Those evils which human beings are now committing will cause great disasters the likes of which have never been witnessed before. This will be the final calamity in which the human race, the immortals of space, and the ghosts in hell will all be destroyed.






            However, God, of whose essence we are createdis merciful and compassionate and does not desire that the good people be destroyed along with the evil ones. So God has provided that the Tao be disseminated among mankind and has sent the Great Teachers, Buddha Chikung and Bodhisattva Yueh-Huito rescue the three kinds ob beingsthe immortals of space human beingsand the ghosts in hell so that they may return to heaven together. Buddha Chikung and Bodhisattva Yueh-Hui are under the command of God and are responsible for transmitting the Tao to the three kinds of beings. Their duty is to manage the work called “The Last Salvation”. This salvation is formless and soundless and the transmission is performed without preaching. It directly points out the original natureconscience or soul of mankind in order that people may realize their true nature and thereby become enlightened.


            然而,赐我们灵性的至高无上之母亲 上帝,是非常的慈悲,衪不忍善恶俱焚,因此降下真道并派明师即济公活佛与月慧菩萨降世挽救三曹 气天之大仙,世界的众生,地府的鬼魂同返天堂。我们  师尊师母二位老大人奉老母的命令,真传真授,普渡三曹,他们的责任是办理末后一着收圆大事,不立文字,教外别传,直指人心(直指人人固有之良心,灵性) 使人们见自性而成佛。


            When the last calamity arrivesnothing can save mankind except the true waywhich is the Tao sent from God. That is why the Tao is widely propagated today to save good people. Ancient people first cultivated themselves and then received the Taobut today we receive the Tao first and then cultivate ourselves. Thereforeafter we have received the Tao we have to seriously cultivate ourselves. Then we shall automatically be safe from dangerescape from calamitiesavoid reincarnation and become Saints and Buddhas.




            Although it is easier for modern people to receive the Tao than it was for past generations, the ability to receive the Tao also depends on each person’s condition and background. Today you received the Tao because you have an affinity with our Temple and you and your ancestors have performed many virtuous acts. Possibly you were cultivated in a religion in your previous lives. These conditions allow you to have an affinity for the Tao. Without this affinity you would never receive it.




CHAPTER 2    What is the Tao?


            Ladies and gentlemen, you have received the Tao today, but what did you actually receive? What is the Tao? The Tao is the source of everything. Tao is the creator and master of the universe. Tao is God the Supreme Power. Before the earth and sky existed, before the creation of the universethe Tao existed. After the universe is annihilated and nothing remains, the Tao will continue to exist and to create and control a new universe. The Tao is limitless, invisible and formless. It cannot be seen, heard, smelled or touched and is beyond the power of human comprehension. Tao activates everythingyet we cannot see its action. It works without effort, yet nothing left undone. Man usually calls it “Nature”. Nothing can exist without the Tao because everything depends on it. Tao is God and our soul issues from God’s essence. We are God’s children


第二章:       什么是道?


            各位今天已经得道,究竟得的是什么?什么是道?道是天地人万物之母,道是宇宙之本源,创造者以及主宰者。道即上帝,道即至尊至贵之神。当天地还未生之前,一切都未有之前,道已先存在了。当天地毁灭后,道不毁灭,道能再生天地人万物; 天地人万物生成了,道即其中主宰。道非常奥妙,道无形无象,视而不见,听而不闻,不可嗅、不可捉摸,道超出了人们的想像力而不思议,亦不可言说,一切皆是道所为,然而我见不到道的动作,道是无为而为的,然一切莫不是道所为。人们常称它为 自然。假若无道,任何一物不能存在,因为一切都依靠道而得存。道即  上帝,我们之灵性是  上帝所赐,我们是  上帝之儿女, 上帝是我们之 


            When we speak of the creator of the universe, we call it “Tao”. When we speak of the ruler of everything, we call it “Natural Law”. When we speak of the animating and controlling principle of our being, we call it “Soul” or “Conscience”. When we speak of the creator of our soul, we refer to the “Heavenly Mother”in Chinese she is called “Lao Mu”. All lf the above are one and the same.


            当我们从它作为宇宙之本源而言,称它为〔道〕,在它作为一切之主宰而言,我们称它为〔理〕,当它在我们体内,使我们生存并支配肉体时,我们称它为〔灵性〕 或〔良心〕,因为它赋予我们本性,我们称它为〔老〕,这些名称虽异而其义相同,皆指同一物而言。


            Now, what you have actually received is the Tao. Tao is everybody’s true self. Today you have been initiated by the Teacher and the door of your mind has been opened. Now you are able to understand that the body is not your true self. The body is controlled by the Tao within you.




            While you are alive your soul dwells within your body. As soon as the soul leaves your body you are dead. Your soul is from God, but your physical body is from your parents. You already had the Tao within you yet did not realize it. Therefore, you have had to search for it and have now been fortunate enough to find a Teacher who is able to transmit it to you. Previously you believed that the physical body was your true self and behaved accordingly. You were selfish, committing misdeeds, acts of violence, and overindulging in physical pleasures. This condition repeatedly led you into reincarnation and endless sufferings. Now you understand that your true self is not your physical body but only used the body as a vehicle. You are not limited to this physical body. You are boundless. You are the Master of the Universe because you have God’s essence within you. You are full of mercy and love because you share of God’s spirit. Most people today have forgotten all these spiritual characteristics and do not know who they really are. Today you are regaining your conscience your true self.


            每个人活着时,灵性在他体内,若灵性一离开,他立刻就死亡。灵性赋于天,而肉体由父母而来。因此,事实上我们已有道在身上,为何还要再寻求他?还要由点传师来传授?原因是我们已不认识他了,我们以为肉体即真我而不知他原是假,因此我们变得自私,做了许多错事与罪恶,为了使此色身享受如此使我们坠入轮回中,遭受无边痛苦,我们不知真正的我乃是灵性,而我们亦不是仅限于此肉身,我们是无限的广大,我们是宇宙之主宰,因我们的灵性与  是一体,我们的本性充满了慈悲与爱心,因我们是  之分灵。然而现在人们都失去了这些品性,亦不知他究竟是谁?今天我们得道即是得回真我,良心。


CHAPTER 3    What are the Three Treasures?


            Today you have received the Three Treasures:

A. The Heavenly Portal

B. The Divine Mantra

C. The Symbolic Seal


A.        The First Treasure:  The Heavenly Portal

       The point where the Teacher placed his finger upon your face during the ceremony is called the Heavenly Portal. It is the abode of your true self and can be described in different ways, such as:


1.         Original Nature

            This is the true self, soul, or conscience which is eternal and indestructible.


2.         The Portal of Birth and Death

        The Heavenly Portal is the door by which our original nature enters and leaves our body. Confucius asked: “Who can leave the house without using the door? Why do people not follow this way?”


3.         The Way to Heaven

        A Buddhist Sutra says: “Heaven is one hundred eight thousand miles away.” These words are the metaphor which actually means that it was not easy to become enlightened because the true Teacher was difficult of find and the Tao was not yet widely propagated. Without the proper understanding of the Tao, heaven seems very far away, but with a real understanding of the Tao, heaven is very near. Today your Teacher has pointed out the way for you and you may now ascend to heaven with one step.


第三章:       何谓三宝?



(一) 玄关

(二) 口诀

(三) 合同


(一) 第一宝: 玄关


1. 本性:



2. 生死之门户:



3. 通天大路:



4. The Main Entrance

        The Heavenly Portal is the main entrance. It is situated at the center and not to the left or right, above or below. This entrance was locked after your imperishable spirit entered the body at birth. If the Heavenly Portal is not unlocked by your Teacher, your true self is not able to leave the body by the main entrance at the time of death. Instead, it will have to leave by one of the side gates

        a. The eyes,  b. The ears,  c. The mouth,  d. The nose,  e. The navel,  f. The vertex


            If your spirit leaves from the

(a Ears It is reborn as a viviparous animal, such as a horse, pig, cow, sheep, etc.

(b Eyes It is reborn as an oviparous bird.

(c Mouth It is reborn as a creature of the water, such as a fish, a lobster, etc.

(d Nose It is reborn as an insect, such as a fly, a moth, a bee, etc.

(e Navel It is reborn as an ordinary person.

(f Vertex It is reborn as a wealthy and powerful person.


4. 正门






(一) 由耳而出者,来生当为胎生之动物如马、猪、牛、羊之类。

(二) 由眼而出者,来生当为卵生之动物如飞鸟之类。

(三) 由口而出者,来生当为湿生之动物如鱼、虾之类。

(四) 由鼻而出者,来生当为化生之动物如苍蝇、蜜蜂之类。

(五) 由肚脐而出者,来生当为平庸之人。

(六) 由顶门而出者,来生当为富贵之人。



5. In the BibleMatthew 1311 John said to his disciples “I baptize you with water to show that you have repented, but that one who will come after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

            The Tao is transmitted to you in the Temple of God through God’s sanction and commandment. The Holy Lamp on the Altar symbolizes God. In the transmittal ritual, the Teacher uses the incense to lead a line of fire from the Holy Lamp to your Heavenly Portal. Then, using his finger, he connects God’s spirit with your spirit so that they flow together as one, thereby enlightening you with God’s spirit. This is the actual fulfillment of John’s prophecy.


5. 圣经上记载:约翰对他的门徒说:〔我用水给你们施洗表明你们已悔改,然而在我之后的将用圣灵与火给你们施洗〕’。


            请泣意,你们是在上帝的宫殿里得道,因为我们有上帝的天命,那盏佛灯代表  上帝()。在点道之仪式中,你们已见到点传师以香炷从佛灯引来一条金线指向你们的玄关,然后藉着点传师的手指点在你们的玄关之时,  上帝以衪的圣灵已点开了你们的心窍,照破了黑暗。现在你们可见到约翰之预言已经实现在你们身上。


6. Sakyamuni Buddha said “I have the Great Dharma which is hidden in the eyes.” This indicates the location of the Heavenly Portal.


6. 释迦牟尼佛云:〔吾有正法眼藏〕此语即暗示玄关之地。


B. The Second Treasure The Divine Mantra


1.         You have now been given the Divine Mantra.

It is very important to remember it as it will save your life. It is only to be used in extremely dangerous situations. This Mantra acts as a powerful spiritual distress signal to the Divine forces much like an S.O.S. transmitted by radio waves. It is to be projected mentally and silently with great concentration while at the same time focusing the eyes on the Heavenly Portal and holding the Symbolic Seal with the hands. Powerful aid will immediately be sent to you in order to rescue you from danger. If you sincerely cultivate yourself, you will always remain under the refuge of Buddha.


(二) 第二宝:         口诀



(一)  刚才传授口诀给你们,还记得吗?

        请再说一遍。当性命危险时你才用此宝,将真经默念口中,手抱合同,你将即刻被  仙佛救护,脱离危险。不过要注意此口诀仅能于性命危急之时方可运用。假若我们真诚修道,当然我们将受  仙佛之庇佑。


2.     The Divine Mantra which connects your true self with God.

        This Mantra is without form, sound or color and is the essence of Tao, the underlying and ultimate principle of the universe. This Mantra unites your being with that of the Tao forming a powerful bond. Every great religion indicates this potential unity, but they do not fully understand how to implement and effect it. You now have this knowledge and are familiar with its application.


(二) 心经,口传心授:



3.     The True Teaching is transmitted from mind to mind.

        The true self, the I, the spirit, the mind – all indicate the true center of man or his real essence and original indestructible nature which is identical with Tao. The human being is a microcosm, sharing all the attributes of the macrocosm. Since he is essentially divine, man only needs to understand the nature of reality and align himself with it. The more pure and refined his nature, the more conscious he becomes of his relationship with the Tao. When he realizes that he is one with the Tao, he has become fully enlightened.


(三)  以心传心:



C.    The Third Treasure The Symbolic Seal

1.     In Chinese, “Hoh” means to combine and “Tung” means all together. This Symbolic Seal which is formed by the two hands joined together is the Golden Seal which is formed by the two hands joined together is the Golden Seal which unites us with God. It is like a contract or mutual agreementwhich is the actual meaning of “Hoh Tung”between you and your Heavenly Mother. It acts as a signal, password, or passport. It is a spiritual instrument of identification, as well as symbol with many ramifications.


2.     When you hold the Symbolic Seal you are united with God.


3.     The left hand is good so it is placed on the outside, covering the right hand. The right hand is often used for evil purposes, such as beating and killing. The right hand is placed on the inside because of its evil propensities and is shielded by the left hand. Together the hands hold the word “child” which is formed by the two thumbs in proximity symbolizing the Chinese word “Hai” which means child. This hand symbol acts as a direct signal to God. It serves to mobilize heavenly protection and causes the user to escape from any impending calamity.


4.     Let us quote some words from the BibleMathew 1913-15): “Some people brought children to Jesus for him to place his hands on and to pray for them, but the disciples scolded the people. Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them’. He placed his hands on them and then went away.” This event illustrates the power and significance of the Symbolic Seal. At that time Jesus placed his hands on the children’s heads and explained that this is the way to God’s kingdom. Today we hold the “child” symbol and realize that we are the children of God and are willing to return to God’s presence.


(三) 第三宝:        合同


1.     〔合同〕之义:〔合〕是合成一体,〔同〕是相同。合同像征着 老赐予我们的金印,表示我们已归根认 。我们手抱合同表示我们要与 老合成一体,同 老一样,是说与 老合灵永不再分开。


2.     合合同,同同合。抱起合同,能避阎罗。


3.     左手属善当在外,右手属恶拘内边。子亥相掐怀中抱,能脱九大大劫关。


4.     现在让我们引用圣经之语句:





CHAPTER 4    Why do the Introducer and the Sponsor take an oath at the altar?


            Before you receive the Tao from your Teacher, two persons take an oath at the altar – one as your Introducer and one as your Sponsor. Without these two persons, the Tao will not be transmitted to you. The Introducer vouches for your character and guarantees your good conduct. The Sponsor guarantees that the Tao is the true path and that the teachings are genuine. A vow is also taken to guarantee that any money which you may donate to the temple will only be used for the printing of books and other such noble purposes.


第四章:      为什么引保要立愿?





CHAPTER 5    Why I should take an oath before receiving the Tao?


            Before anyone receives the Tao, he has to take a vow which states that he will faithfully adhere to the principles of principles of Tao and will not reveal the secret teachings of the Three Treasures to anybody.


第五章:    为什么要立求道愿?




CHAPTER 6    How to save human beings?


           Now you have received the Tao which is ineffable, sacred and sublime. You have just been saved by someone, so now you should try your best to spread these exalted teachings to your fellow human beings and urge your family, friends and acquaintances to receive the Tao. This is of great merit for you because you are not only saving someone’s physical body from disaster, but you are also saving his true self from the sufferings of reincarnation. Also you not only save that one person because, if he cultivates himself properly, he can also save seven generations of his offspring by his virtue. How great is your merit!


第六章:    如何求渡众生?

